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Reliable CFCS Exam Guide | Exam CFCS Registration

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Exam CFCS Registration, Cost Effective CFCS Dumps

If you want to get a desirable opposition and then achieve your career dream, you are a right place now. Our CFCS study tool can help you pass the exam. So, don't be hesitate, choose the CFCS test torrent and believe in us. Let's strive to our dreams together. Life is short for us, so we all should cherish our life. Our CFCS Guide Torrent can help you to save your valuable time and let you have enough time to do other things you want to do. Just buy our CFCS exam questions, then you will pass the CFCS exam easily.

ACFCS Financial Crime Specialist Sample Questions (Q29-Q34):

Which is the strongest proof to establish grounds for seizure and confiscation of the properly?

  • A. All deposits to the bank account of Corporation A originated from a government payroll account
  • B. All electric bills have been paid from Ihe bank account of the public official
  • C. A lease agreement straticulate the public official is paying $1,800 per month to Corporation A for rent of the house
  • D. The checks from the bank account of Corporation A were used to purchase the property

Answer: D

A compliance officer at AirPlus a large aerospace firmthatproduces airplanes for commercial and military use was contacted by a director of one of the firm's business partners The director had concerns over potential irregularities in recent transactions and business dealings in matters connected to AirPlus and her company.
The business partners company is located in a country where state-owned enterprises are heavily involved in the airline industry AirPlus has recently wonseveral large contracts in the country to build airplanes for slate-owned enterprises.
The director of the partner company believes these contracts may have been secured through bribes paid by AirPlus to government officials and suspects that the recent unusual activity she has noted indicate her company was utilized in the bribery scheme.
The director has flagged four instances to bring to your attention Which is the BESTindicatorof bribery?

  • A. The partner company received a series of zero-interest loans from the aerospace company with open-ended repayment terms in recent months
  • B. The partner company recently appointed a new CEO whose prior experience involved managing a state-owned airline in another country
  • C. The partner company recorded an increase in operating costs in financial statements in recent months and an increase in the number of employees ,
  • D. Sales agents for the partner company received large bonuses after closing a deal to produce planes for the country's national airline in recent months

Answer: A

During a review of its compliance program, XYZ Bank discovers that it has processed transactions involving individuals and entities on the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list. What is the most appropriate action for XYZ Bank to take?

  • A. Implement enhanced due diligence procedures for transactions involving high-risk countries.
  • B. Conduct a retrospective review of transactions to assess the extent of potential violations.
  • C. Immediately report the findings to OFAC and await further instructions.
  • D. Suspend all transactions until the individuals and entities are removed from the SDN list.

Answer: C

A pharmaceutical company is developing a new Alzheimer's drug All of the employees are subject to confidentiality agreements because the drug has not been publicly announced One of the employees talks to his doctor about this new drug.
Which are the possible crimes resulting from this breach of confidentiality? Choose 2 answers

  • A. The doctor decides to buy stock in the pharmaceutical company
  • B. The doctor collaborates with friends and family to invest in the company
  • C. The doctor broadcasts the news about this new drug to his Alzheimer's patients. giving them false hope
  • D. The doctor asks to be included on the clinical trials of the drug thereby benefitting his own practice

Answer: A,B

Ms. Rodriguez, the compliance officer at XYZ Bank, is reviewing the bank's sanctions screening process.
She notices that the screening system has a high rate of false positives, leading to delays in processing transactions. What is the most effective approach for Ms. Rodriguez to improve the efficiency of the sanctions screening process?

  • A. Increase the threshold for triggering sanctions alerts to reduce the number of false positives.
  • B. Enhance the screening system with advanced technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.
  • C. Disable the sanctions screening system to eliminate false positives altogether.
  • D. Implement manual review procedures for all transactions flagged as potential matches.

Answer: B


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Exam CFCS Registration:

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